Classes handling digital values

Boolean algebra

And                                     Logical and
Inv                                     Logical inverter
Or                                      Logical or
XOr                                     Exclusive or

Timer functions

Pulse                                   One-shot pulse with variable length
Timer                                   Reset delay
Wait                                    Set delay
Waith                                   Set delay with hold function


Count                                   Pulse counter
DSup                                    Supervision of digital value
Edge                                    Edge detector
FirstScan                               True the first scan or the plc thread
SR_R                                    Set Reset flip-flop
SR_S                                    Set Reset flip-flop

Get and store digital signals and attributes

GetDi                                   Get Di value
GetDo                                   Get Do value
GetDp                                   Get digital attribute value
GetDpPtr                                Get value of a digital pointer attribute
GetDv                                   Get Dv value
ResDo                                   Reset Do
ResDp                                   Reset digital attribute
ResDv                                   Reset Dv
SetDo                                   Set Do
SetDp                                   Set digital attribute
SetDv                                   Set Dv
StoDo                                   Store to Do
StoDp                                   Store to digital attribute
StoDpPtr                                Store to digital pointer attribute
StoDv                                   Store to Dv