Class BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr
Author je
Version 1.0
Modified 13-MAR-2008 14:09:02.22
 Motor with a Frequencyconverter using Profibus PPO3 protocol

 The BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr object handles a motor controlled by a frequency
 converter via the fielbus Profibus, using the protocol PPO3. The aggregate
 also includes contactor, circuitbreaker and safetyswitch.

 The object handles several modes and configurations. The controlled
 unit can be handled locally or remotely.

 - Local mode    The unit is controlled from a local panel close to the drive.

 - Remote mode   The unit is controlled from the control system, either by
                 the operator from the object graph, or by PLC program.

 The local mode has higher priority than the remote.

 The mode handling also contains an extern and intern mode.

 - Intern mode   The unit is handled by the built-in Auto/Man function,
                 basically from the Auto/Man buttons in the object graph.

 - Extern mode   The built-in Auto/Man function is not used. Auto/Man is
                 handled from the plc program and other graphs.

 Which of these modes that are present depends on the configuration.

 Modes that can be configured

 - Intern          Auto/Manual mode is controlled from buttons in the
                   object graph. This is the default configuration.
 - Extern          Auto/Manual mode is controlled from the PLC program.
                   The Auto/Man buttons are removed from the object graph
                   but the Start/Stop buttons are still present.
                   Set attribute OpIntOnly to 1.
 - Extern only     Auto/Manual mode is controlled from the PLC program.
                   No Auto/Man or Start/Stop  buttons are present in the
                   object graph. Set attribute OpExtOnly to 1.
 - Intern only     Only manual mode is present, and the Auto/Man buttons
                   are removed. Set OpIntOnly to 1.
 - Local           When the local panel is activated, and the Start/Stop
                   buttons of the local panel is used. To disable this
                   mode, set OpNoLocal to 1.

Graphical Symbol
 The graphical symbol for this object is BaseComponent/BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr.
 Default dynamics:
 - the motor is filled with the original color when the motor is
 - colored gray when the motor is off.
 - colored red when an error occurs.
 - colored yellow when a warning occurs.
 - indicating the current mode:
   M:  Manual mode.
   L: Local mode, mode is set to auto when local is left.
   LM: Local mode, mode is set to manual when local is left.
   No indication: auto mode.

 Default action:
 - the methods menu is opened with MB3.

Object Graph

 - the Ready indicator is green when the motor is started.
 - the Interlock indicator is red when the motor is interlocked, and
   the object symbol is colored yellow.
 - the Start indicator is green when the drive is active.
 - the Local mode indicator is yellow when local mode is active, and the
   Start/Stop buttons are dimmed.
 - the Extern indicator is visible when the Auto/Man selection isn't
   made from the object graph, but from the plc function object.
 - the Contactor indicator is green when the contactor is energized.
 - the frequency converter indicator is green when the converter is ready,
   otherwise it's yellow.
 - the SafetySwitch indicator is green when the safetyswitch is on, and
   yellow when off.
 - other indicators are normally green and colored red at fault condition.

 The field Starts shows the number of times the motor is started, and Run
 the run time of the motor.

 From the Auto/Man pushbuttons the mode is switched, and the Start/Stop
 buttons are used to control the motor in manual mode.

 - the Start button has toggle function.
 - in Auto mode, the Incr/Decr and Stop buttons are dimmed.

 The figure shows a configuration where the Auto/Man mode is controlled by
 the ExtControl input of the function object. Auto mode is set when the
 input i high and the contactor order output is controlled by the input
 ExtStart. To get this configuration, use CbCoFcSl and set Mode.OpExtAndIntMan
 to 1.


Component Configuration
 There are 24 configuration alternatives, that specifies whether the aggregate
 contains fuse, circuitbreaker, contactor, safetyswitch or startlock.

 - CbCoFcSs        Circuitbreaker, contactor, frequencyconverter and safetyswitch.
 - CbCoFcSl        Circuitbreaker, contactor, frequencyconverter and startlock.
 - CbCoFc          Circuitbreaker, contactor and frequencyconverter.
 - CbFcSs          Circuitbreaker, frequencyconverter and safetyswitch.
 - CbFcSl          Circuitbreaker, frequencyconverter and startlock.
 - CbFc            Circuitbreaker and frequencyconverter.
 - CoFcSs          Contactor, frequencyconverter and safetyswitch.
 - CoFcSl          Contactor, frequencyconverter and startlock.
 - CoFc            Contactor and frequencyconverter.
 - FcSs            Frequencyconverter and safetyswitch.
 - FcSl            Frequencyconverter and startlock.
 - Fc              Frequencyconverter.
 - FuCbCoFcSs      Fuse, circuitbreaker, contactor, frequencyconverter and safetyswitch.
 - FuCbCoFcSl      Fuse, circuitbreaker, contactor, frequencyconverter and startlock.
 - FuCbCoFc        Fuse, circuitbreaker, contactor and frequencyconverter.
 - FuCbFcSs        Fuse, circuitbreaker, frequencyconverter and safetyswitch.
 - FuCbFcSl        Fuse, circuitbreaker, frequencyconverter and startlock.
 - FuCbFc          Fuse, circuitbreaker and frequencyconverter.
 - FuCoFcSs        Fuse, contactor, frequencyconverter and safetyswitch.
 - FuCoFcSl        Fuse, contactor, frequencyconverter and startlock.
 - FuCoFc          Fuse, contactor and frequencyconverter.
 - FuFcSs          Fuse, Frequencyconverter and safetyswitch.
 - FuFcSl          Fuse, Frequencyconverter and startlock.
 - FuFc            Fuse, Frequencyconverter.

 The contactor and motor objects has also configuration alternatives.
 The motor can be configured with overtemperature switch or sensor, and
 the contactor with or without feedback, and with pulsed order signals.

 Signals that should be connected to channel objects:

 - CircuitBreaker.NotTripped     Di (optional)
 - Contactor.Order               Do (optional)
 - Contactor.OrderOff            Do (optional)
 - Contactor.Feedback            Di (optional)
 - SafetySwitch.On               Di (optional)
 - Motor.TempSwitch.Switch        Di (optional)
 - Motor.TempSensor.Value        Ai (optional)

 The mode functions are found in the CompModeA object. See this object
 for more info.

 If the mode object is configured for extern control only, the Error output
 of the function object should be used to reset the start input to avoid
 unwanted restarts.

Plc coding
 For plc coding the function object BaseFcPPO3MotorAggrFo is used.
 Create a function object in the plc editor and connect it to the current
 object with the connect function.

 For profibus connection with protocol PPO3 use the profibus Module object
 Create a module object in the node hierarchy by selecting BaseFcPPO3PbModule
 as Module Class in the profibus configurator, and connect the Io attribute
 of the BaseFcPPO3PbModule object to the FrequencyConverter object with the
 connect function. The FrequencyConverter object is an attribute in the
 BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr object.

 To display the current and torque in the object graph, PZD3 and PZD4 has to be
 configured in the frequency converter to show current and torque.

 -PZD3  configure for current in the frequency converter.
 -PZD4  configure for torque in the frequency converter.

 The conversion of the reference value, process value, current and torque has to
 be configured in the channel objects.

 -O_REF     Reference
 -I_ACT     Process value
 -I_PZD3    Current
 -I_PZD4    Torque

 For simulation of the motor, use the plc object BaseFcPPO3MotorAggrSim.

See also

RtBody attributes pwr_sClass_BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr
Aggregate Super   Super class
BaseFcPPOMotorAggrEnum GraphConfiguration   Enumeration for object graph configuration.
Handled by the ConfigureComponent method.
Boolean Ready   Super class
Boolean ExtInterlock   Reflects the interlock input of the function object.
If ExtInterlock is high, the order output is reset, and the mode
is forced to Man. This force can be disabled by setting Mode.OpNoAutoToMan
to 1.
Boolean LocalMode   Shows if Local mode is active.
Local mode is normally set by a switch on a local panel, which is
connected to the LocalMode input of the function object.
Boolean OpPowerOn   Operator order to turn power on.
Set by On button in object graph.
Boolean OpPowerOff   Operator order to turn power off.
Set by Off button in object graph.
Boolean PowExtInterlock   Power is externally interlocked.
Reflects the value of the ExtInterlock input of the function object.
Boolean PowOnOffDim   Power On/Off buttons are dimmed.
Boolean IndWarning   Indication for warning.
Boolean IndError   Indication for error.
RunTimeCounter RunTimeCounter   Run time measurement.
DSupComp AlarmToOften   Alarm text when the time between two start attempts is to short.
DSupComp AlarmPowOnNotOk   Alarm text when a start attempt is made and the contactor is interlocked.
DSupComp AlarmStartNotOk   Alarm text when a start attempt is made and the frequence converter is interlocked.
BaseCircuitBreaker CircuitBreaker   Circuit breaker object.
BaseContactor Contactor   Contactor object.
BaseFcPPO3 FrequencyConverter   Frequency converter object.
BaseSafetySwitch SafetySwitch   Safetyswitch object.
BaseMotor Motor   Motor object with overtemperature supervision.
CompModeA Mode   Mode object.
Handles the Auto, Man and Local mode.
AttrRef DefTrend   Trend object displayed by the trend method. Normally a reference to
the previous attribute object 'Trend'.
Boolean SupDisabled   Supervision is disabled.
AttrRef PlcConnect   The plc function object connected to this object.
AttrRef SimConnect   The simulate plc function object connected to this object.

Template Object
AlarmToOften.DetectOn 1
AlarmToOften.DetectText Power not yet ready for restart, wait before retry
AlarmToOften.EventType 64
AlarmToOften.EventPriority 66
AlarmToOften.EventFlags 7
AlarmToOften.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template
AlarmToOften.CtrlPosition 1
AlarmToOften.LockAttribute 1
AlarmPowOnNotOk.DetectOn 1
AlarmPowOnNotOk.DetectText Power interlocked
AlarmPowOnNotOk.EventType 64
AlarmPowOnNotOk.EventPriority 66
AlarmPowOnNotOk.EventFlags 7
AlarmPowOnNotOk.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template
AlarmPowOnNotOk.CtrlPosition 1
AlarmPowOnNotOk.LockAttribute 1
AlarmStartNotOk.DetectOn 1
AlarmStartNotOk.DetectText Power is not on
AlarmStartNotOk.EventType 64
AlarmStartNotOk.EventPriority 66
AlarmStartNotOk.EventFlags 7
AlarmStartNotOk.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template
AlarmStartNotOk.CtrlPosition 1
AlarmStartNotOk.LockAttribute 1
CircuitBreaker.Alarm.DetectOn 1
CircuitBreaker.Alarm.DetectText Circuit breaker tripped
CircuitBreaker.Alarm.EventType 64
CircuitBreaker.Alarm.EventPriority 67
CircuitBreaker.Alarm.EventFlags 7
CircuitBreaker.Alarm.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.CircuitBreaker
CircuitBreaker.Alarm.CtrlPosition 1
CircuitBreaker.Alarm.LockAttribute 1
Contactor.DisableOffControl 1
Contactor.FbTimeLimit 1.000000e+00
Contactor.Alarm.DetectOn 1
Contactor.Alarm.DetectText Contactor feedback lost
Contactor.Alarm.EventType 64
Contactor.Alarm.EventPriority 67
Contactor.Alarm.EventFlags 7
Contactor.Alarm.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.Contactor
Contactor.Alarm.CtrlPosition 1
Contactor.Alarm.LockAttribute 1
FrequencyConverter.Description Frequency Converter
FrequencyConverter.Specification Frequency converter PPO3 protocol
FrequencyConverter.StatusWordSW.Description Status Word, from converter
FrequencyConverter.StatusWordSW.SigChanCon $IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO3IoModule.I_SW
FrequencyConverter.ActSpeed.Description Actual Value, from converter
FrequencyConverter.ActSpeed.SigChanCon $IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO3IoModule.I_ACT
FrequencyConverter.ActSpeed.PresMaxLimit 1.000000e+02
FrequencyConverter.ControlWordCW.Description Control Word, to converter
FrequencyConverter.ControlWordCW.SigChanCon $IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO3IoModule.O_CW
FrequencyConverter.RefSpeed.Description Reference Value, to converter
FrequencyConverter.RefSpeed.SigChanCon $IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO3IoModule.O_REF
FrequencyConverter.RefSpeed.PresMaxLimit 1.000000e+02
FrequencyConverter.PowerUpTime 1.500000e+01
FrequencyConverter.AlarmLocalMod.DetectOn 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmLocalMod.DetectText Frequency converter is in local mode
FrequencyConverter.AlarmLocalMod.EventType 64
FrequencyConverter.AlarmLocalMod.EventPriority 66
FrequencyConverter.AlarmLocalMod.EventFlags 7
FrequencyConverter.AlarmLocalMod.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.FrequencyConverter
FrequencyConverter.AlarmLocalMod.CtrlPosition 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmLocalMod.TimerTime 3.000000e+00
FrequencyConverter.AlarmLocalMod.LockAttribute 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmTripped.DetectOn 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmTripped.DetectText Frequency converter tripped, reset is required
FrequencyConverter.AlarmTripped.EventType 64
FrequencyConverter.AlarmTripped.EventPriority 67
FrequencyConverter.AlarmTripped.EventFlags 7
FrequencyConverter.AlarmTripped.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.FrequencyConverter
FrequencyConverter.AlarmTripped.CtrlPosition 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmTripped.LockAttribute 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmWarning.DetectOn 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmWarning.DetectText Frequency converter warning
FrequencyConverter.AlarmWarning.EventType 64
FrequencyConverter.AlarmWarning.EventPriority 66
FrequencyConverter.AlarmWarning.EventFlags 7
FrequencyConverter.AlarmWarning.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.FrequencyConverter
FrequencyConverter.AlarmWarning.CtrlPosition 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmWarning.TimerTime 5.000000e+00
FrequencyConverter.AlarmWarning.LockAttribute 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmError.DetectOn 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmError.DetectText Frequency converter error
FrequencyConverter.AlarmError.EventType 64
FrequencyConverter.AlarmError.EventPriority 67
FrequencyConverter.AlarmError.EventFlags 7
FrequencyConverter.AlarmError.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.FrequencyConverter
FrequencyConverter.AlarmError.CtrlPosition 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmError.LockAttribute 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmConnection.DetectOn 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmConnection.DetectText No connection
FrequencyConverter.AlarmConnection.EventType 64
FrequencyConverter.AlarmConnection.EventPriority 67
FrequencyConverter.AlarmConnection.EventFlags 7
FrequencyConverter.AlarmConnection.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.FrequencyConverter
FrequencyConverter.AlarmConnection.CtrlPosition 1
FrequencyConverter.AlarmConnection.TimerTime 3.000000e+00
FrequencyConverter.AlarmConnection.LockAttribute 1
FrequencyConverter.DefTrend BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.FrequencyConverter.PlotGroup
FrequencyConverter.TrendActSpeed.Multiple 1
FrequencyConverter.TrendActSpeed.DataName BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.FrequencyConverter.ActSpeed.Ac
FrequencyConverter.TrendActSpeed.StorageTime 239
FrequencyConverter.TrendActSpeed.BufferStatus[0] 1
FrequencyConverter.TrendActSpeed.BufferStatus[1] 1
FrequencyConverter.TrendActSpeed.NoOfBuffers 2
FrequencyConverter.TrendActSpeed.NoOfBufElement 239
FrequencyConverter.TrendRefSpeed.Multiple 1
FrequencyConverter.TrendRefSpeed.DataName BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.FrequencyConverter.RefSpeed.Ac
FrequencyConverter.TrendRefSpeed.StorageTime 239
FrequencyConverter.TrendRefSpeed.BufferStatus[0] 1
FrequencyConverter.TrendRefSpeed.BufferStatus[1] 1
FrequencyConverter.TrendRefSpeed.NoOfBuffers 2
FrequencyConverter.TrendRefSpeed.NoOfBufElement 239
FrequencyConverter.PlotGroup.YObjectName[0] BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.FrequencyConverter.TrendActSpe
FrequencyConverter.PlotGroup.YObjectName[1] BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.FrequencyConverter.TrendRefSpe
FrequencyConverter.PlotGroup.YUnit[1] %
FrequencyConverter.PlotGroup.YUnit[2] A
FrequencyConverter.PlotGroup.NumPoints 478
SafetySwitch.Alarm.DetectOn 1
SafetySwitch.Alarm.DetectText Safety switch is not on
SafetySwitch.Alarm.EventType 64
SafetySwitch.Alarm.EventPriority 67
SafetySwitch.Alarm.EventFlags 7
SafetySwitch.Alarm.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.SafetySwitch
SafetySwitch.Alarm.CtrlPosition 1
SafetySwitch.Alarm.LockAttribute 1
Motor.GraphConfiguration 2
Motor.DisableTempSwitch 1
Motor.TempSwitch.Super.DisableSwitch 1
Motor.TempSwitch.Super.Alarm.DetectOn 1
Motor.TempSwitch.Super.Alarm.DetectText High motor temperature
Motor.TempSwitch.Super.Alarm.EventType 64
Motor.TempSwitch.Super.Alarm.EventPriority 67
Motor.TempSwitch.Super.Alarm.EventFlags 7
Motor.TempSwitch.Super.Alarm.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.Motor.TempSwitch
Motor.TempSwitch.Super.Alarm.CtrlPosition 1
Motor.TempSwitch.Super.Alarm.LockAttribute 1
Motor.DisableTempSensor 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.DisableValue 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.Value.Unit C
Motor.TempSensor.Super.Value.PresMaxLimit 1.500000e+02
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Alarm.DetectOn 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Alarm.DetectText High High motor temperature
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Alarm.EventType 64
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Alarm.EventPriority 67
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Alarm.EventFlags 7
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Alarm.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.Motor.TempSensor
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Alarm.CtrlPosition 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Alarm.LockAttribute 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Limit 1.300000e+02
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Hysteres 3.000000e+00
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.TimeDelay 1.000000e+00
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitHH.Used 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Alarm.DetectOn 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Alarm.DetectText High motor temperature
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Alarm.EventType 64
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Alarm.EventPriority 66
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Alarm.EventFlags 7
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Alarm.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.Motor.TempSensor
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Alarm.CtrlPosition 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Alarm.LockAttribute 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Limit 1.150000e+02
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Hysteres 3.000000e+00
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.TimeDelay 1.000000e+00
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitH.Used 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitL.Alarm.DetectText Temperature below Low limit
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitL.Alarm.EventType 64
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitL.Alarm.EventPriority 66
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitL.Alarm.EventFlags 7
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitL.Alarm.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.Motor.TempSensor
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitL.Alarm.CtrlPosition 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitL.Alarm.LockAttribute 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitLL.Alarm.DetectText Temperature below LowLow limit
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitLL.Alarm.EventType 64
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitLL.Alarm.EventPriority 67
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitLL.Alarm.EventFlags 7
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitLL.Alarm.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.Motor.TempSensor
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitLL.Alarm.CtrlPosition 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.LimitLL.Alarm.LockAttribute 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.Trend.Multiple 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.Trend.DataName BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.Motor.TempSensor.Super.Value.A
Motor.TempSensor.Super.Trend.StorageTime 239
Motor.TempSensor.Super.Trend.BufferStatus[0] 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.Trend.BufferStatus[1] 1
Motor.TempSensor.Super.Trend.NoOfBuffers 2
Motor.TempSensor.Super.Trend.NoOfBufElement 239
Motor.TempSensor.Super.DefTrend BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.Motor.TempSensor.Super.Trend
Mode.AlarmNotReadyM.DetectOn 1
Mode.AlarmNotReadyM.DetectText Check interlocks. Manual start is not allowed, not ready
Mode.AlarmNotReadyM.EventType 64
Mode.AlarmNotReadyM.EventPriority 66
Mode.AlarmNotReadyM.EventFlags 7
Mode.AlarmNotReadyM.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template
Mode.AlarmNotReadyM.CtrlPosition 1
Mode.AlarmNotReadyM.LockAttribute 1
Mode.AlarmNotReadyA.DetectOn 1
Mode.AlarmNotReadyA.DetectText Check interlocks. Automode is not allowed, not ready
Mode.AlarmNotReadyA.EventType 64
Mode.AlarmNotReadyA.EventPriority 66
Mode.AlarmNotReadyA.EventFlags 7
Mode.AlarmNotReadyA.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template
Mode.AlarmNotReadyA.CtrlPosition 1
Mode.AlarmNotReadyA.LockAttribute 1
Mode.Alarm1LocalMod.DetectOn 1
Mode.Alarm1LocalMod.DetectText Local mode is activated, remote control is not allowed
Mode.Alarm1LocalMod.EventType 64
Mode.Alarm1LocalMod.EventPriority 66
Mode.Alarm1LocalMod.EventFlags 7
Mode.Alarm1LocalMod.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template
Mode.Alarm1LocalMod.CtrlPosition 1
Mode.Alarm1LocalMod.LockAttribute 1
Mode.Alarm2LocalMod.DetectOn 1
Mode.Alarm2LocalMod.DetectText Local mode is activated
Mode.Alarm2LocalMod.EventType 64
Mode.Alarm2LocalMod.EventPriority 66
Mode.Alarm2LocalMod.EventFlags 7
Mode.Alarm2LocalMod.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template
Mode.Alarm2LocalMod.CtrlPosition 1
Mode.Alarm2LocalMod.LockAttribute 1
Mode.AlarmNotManOrd.DetectOn 1
Mode.AlarmNotManOrd.DetectText Automode active. Manual start/stop order is not allowed
Mode.AlarmNotManOrd.EventType 64
Mode.AlarmNotManOrd.EventPriority 66
Mode.AlarmNotManOrd.EventFlags 7
Mode.AlarmNotManOrd.Attribute BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template
Mode.AlarmNotManOrd.CtrlPosition 1
Mode.AlarmNotManOrd.LockAttribute 1
DefTrend BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3MotorAggr-Template.FrequencyConverter.PlotGroup

Attributes detail

Super Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Aggregate
Flags Class|Superclass
Body RtBody
 Super class

GraphConfiguration Attribute
Class Attribute
Type BaseFcPPOMotorAggrEnum
Body RtBody
 Enumeration for object graph configuration.
 Handled by the ConfigureComponent method.

Ready Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
 Super class

ExtInterlock Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
 Reflects the interlock input of the function object.
 If ExtInterlock is high, the order output is reset, and the mode
 is forced to Man. This force can be disabled by setting Mode.OpNoAutoToMan
 to 1.

LocalMode Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
 Shows if Local mode is active.
 Local mode is normally set by a switch on a local panel, which is
 connected to the LocalMode input of the function object.

OpPowerOn Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|State|Noedit
Body RtBody
 Operator order to turn power on.
 Set by On button in object graph.

OpPowerOff Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|State|Noedit
Body RtBody
 Operator order to turn power off.
 Set by Off button in object graph.

PowExtInterlock Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
 Power is externally interlocked.
 Reflects the value of the ExtInterlock input of the function object.

PowOnOffDim Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
 Power On/Off buttons are dimmed.

IndWarning Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
 Indication for warning.

IndError Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
 Indication for error.

RunTimeCounter Attribute
Class Attribute
Type RunTimeCounter
Flags Class
Body RtBody
 Run time measurement.

AlarmToOften Attribute
Class Attribute
Type DSupComp
Flags Class
Body RtBody
 Alarm text when the time between two start attempts is to short.

AlarmPowOnNotOk Attribute
Class Attribute
Type DSupComp
Flags Class
Body RtBody
 Alarm text when a start attempt is made and the contactor is interlocked.

AlarmStartNotOk Attribute
Class Attribute
Type DSupComp
Flags Class
Body RtBody
 Alarm text when a start attempt is made and the frequence converter is interlocked.

CircuitBreaker Attribute
Class Attribute
Type BaseCircuitBreaker
Flags CastAttr|Class|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
 Circuit breaker object.

Contactor Attribute
Class Attribute
Type BaseContactor
Flags CastAttr|Class|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
 Contactor object.

FrequencyConverter Attribute
Class Attribute
Type BaseFcPPO3
Flags CastAttr|Class
Body RtBody
 Frequency converter object.

SafetySwitch Attribute
Class Attribute
Type BaseSafetySwitch
Flags CastAttr|Class|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
 Safetyswitch object.

Motor Attribute
Class Attribute
Type BaseMotor
Flags CastAttr|Class
Body RtBody
 Motor object with overtemperature supervision.

Mode Attribute
Class Attribute
Type CompModeA
Flags Class
Body RtBody
 Mode object.
 Handles the Auto, Man and Local mode.

DefTrend Attribute
Class Attribute
Type AttrRef
Body RtBody
 Trend object displayed by the trend method. Normally a reference to
 the previous attribute object 'Trend'.

SupDisabled Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|State|Noedit
Body RtBody
 Supervision is disabled.
 Shows the input DisableSup in the plc Fo object.

PlcConnect Attribute
Class Attribute
Type AttrRef
Body RtBody
 The plc function object connected to this object.
 This attribute is set when the function object is connected from
 the plc editor by the connect function.

SimConnect Attribute
Class Attribute
Type AttrRef
Body RtBody
 The simulate plc function object connected to this object.
 This attribute is set when the simulate function object is connected from
 the plc editor by the connect function.