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TOPIC: Pwr57 deb packages for x86 from source code

Pwr57 deb packages for x86 from source code 3 years 11 months ago #10765

  • Maverick
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Hi Claes,
As there's no Proview V5.7 x86 binaries as deb packages available, i'm currently trying to build deb packages (pwr57 and pwrdemo57) from source code to fit this need. Why Pwr57 for x86? I'm using Ubuntu MATE 18.04 in both x86 and x86_64 architectures (Ubuntu MATE is one of the rare variants of Ubuntu 18.04 which still support x86, and i don't want to downgrade back to Ubuntu 16.04 and Proview V5.5 just because of the architecture)
In order to build these deb packages, i use the contents of the folder pwrsrc_5.7.1-1/src/tools/pkg/deb and the generated files (after the make process) from the folder pwrsrc_5.7.1-1/rls/hw_x86 while mimicking the file structure of pwr57_5.7.1-1_amd64. I also used the V5.6 x86 version of pwrdemo to make the V5.7 x86 version (with elements from pwrsrc_5.7.1-1/src/tools/pkg/deb/pwrdemo), and i used the command dpkg-deb --build to generate the deb packages. The whole process was done on Ubuntu MATE 18.04 x86. Everything seems to work.

Then when installing the package pwr57 x86, i encounter the following error from gdebi's embedded terminal:
impossible to evaluate '/usr/pwr//exp/cnf/user/.bashrc': no such file or folder
As pwrdemo depends on pwr, it just wouldn't work
Despite the errors, the installation on gdebi looks fine like there wasn't any error, so at least i tried to login into pwrp but without any success.

So i'm wondering what could be wrong inside the files inside my deb packages.
I'll send them later (as a Mega link - because it would be too heavy from there) so that you can inspect them more closely.

Looks forward to any help

Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Maverick.
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Pwr57 deb packages for x86 from source code 3 years 11 months ago #10766

  • Maverick
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Hi Claes,
This is the link to retrieve my deb packages, designed to work on Ubuntu 18.04 x86 and derivatives but not yet functional, so that you may inspect what could be wrong in them


Last Edit: 3 years 11 months ago by Maverick. Reason: Adding more precision
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Pwr57 deb packages for x86 from source code 3 years 11 months ago #10768

  • claes
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Hi Maverick,

There pwre command to build the ubuntu32 packages are 'pwre build tools/pkg ubu'.

If you haven't setup up pwre you first have to do that with something like

> export pwre_bin=./src/tools/pwre/src
> export pwre_env_db=./pwre_db
> source $pwre_bin/pwre_function

and then initialize pwre with

> pwre init V571x86 (see the created environments with 'pwre list')

'pwre build tools/pkg deb' will execute the build script build.sh on the package directories, eg src/tools/pkg/ubu/pwrrt/build.sh for the pwrrt package, so it's also possible to just run this script if you don't want to build all the packages.

You probably first have to edit the dependencies in src/tools/pkg/ubu/pwrrt/control.

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Pwr57 deb packages for x86 from source code 3 years 11 months ago #10769

  • Maverick
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Hi Claes,
Thank you for your last answer.
There is not any 'ubu' directory in 'pwrsrc_5.7.1-1/src/tools/pkg' but there is an 'ubu_x86_64' directory, there are also 'deb' and 'deb_x86_64'. (Does it mean Ubuntu32 is no longer supported in 5.7.1-1 version of Proview?)
So i tried to use the 'deb' one. Am i wrong?

After reading the 'build-howto.md' file in pwrsrc_5.7.1-1 (all the required dependencies are installed) and your last answer:

1-First i executed 'make' in the directory pwrsrc_5.7.1-1 and i encounter the following errors:

pwrwbmodule.cpp:1:10: fatal error: Python.h: no such file or directory
#include <Python.h>
compilation terminated
error: command 'i686-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1
mv: can't evaluate 'pwrsrc_5.7.1-1/rls/os_linux/hw_x86/bld/exp/pwrwb/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pwrwb.so': no such file or directory
...pwrsrc_5.7.1-1/wb/exp/pwrwb/src/makefile:38 recipe for target '...pwrsrc_5.7.1-1/rls/os_linux/hw_x86/wb/exe/pwrwb.so' failed
make [1]: ***[...pwrsrc_5.7.1-1/rls/os_linux/hw_x86/wb/exe/pwrwb.so] Error 1

2-Despite the errors, i still continued by setting up pwre, creating, and initializing the V571x86 environment, as well as using the commands 'pwre create_all_modules' and 'pwre build_all_modules'. The same errors above were once again encountered

3-Despite the errors, i still continued to build the deb packages by using 'pwre build tools/pkg deb'

-While building 'pwrrt', the following error was encountered:

rm: cannot delete '.../pwrsrc_5.7.1-1/rls/os_linux/hw_x86/bld/pkg/pwr57/usr/pwr57/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/lib/libpwr_tlog.a': no such file or directory

-While building 'pwr57', the following errors were encountered:

../pwrdemo/build.sh at line 63: cd /data0/pwrp/pwrdemo57: no such file or directory
tar: pwrdemo57: stat impossible: no such file or directory
tar: stopping with failure code because of previous errors

-While building 'pwrdemo57', the following errors were encountered:

tar: exe/rt_qmon : stat impossible: no such file or directory
tar: exe/sev_ini : stat impossible: no such file or directory
tar: exe/sev_xtt : stat impossible: no such file or directory
tar: exe/sev_xtt_gtk : stat impossible: no such file or directory
tar: exe/sev_server : stat impossible: no such file or directory
tar: exe/sev_repair : stat impossible: no such file or directory
tar: load/pwrs.dbs : stat impossible: no such file or directory
tar: load/pwrb.dbs : stat impossible: no such file or directory
tar: exe/rt_xtt_gtk : stat impossible: no such file or directory
tar: exe/rt_xtt : : stat impossible: no such file or directory
tar: stopping with failure code because of previous errors

-It looks like there wasn't any error while building 'pwrsev'

-Inspecting the built packages in ..pwrsrc_5.7.1-1/rls/os_linux/hw_x86/bld/pkg , i have:

pwr57_5.7.1-1_i386.deb (71,9 MB)
pwrdemo57_5.7.1-1_i386.deb (2,3 kB)
pwrrt_5.7.1-1_i386.deb (20 MB)
pwrsev_5.7.1-1_i386 (225,2 kB)

Such small size must not be normal, so the deb packages failed again

In case if building Proview V5.7.1-1 from source code for Ubuntu32 can't be ever done, i'm considering an alternative approach as a last ressort:
-Installing 'pwr55_5.5.0-1_i386' and 'pwrdemo55_5.5.0-1_i386' deb packages on Ubuntu MATE 18.04 i386
-Upgrading Proview V5.5 twice (to 5.6, then to 5.7)
-Using the command 'dpkg-repack' to repack the upgraded Proview version into potentially re-usable deb packages

Could it, at least work?

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Pwr57 deb packages for x86 from source code 3 years 11 months ago #10772

  • claes
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Sorry, I wasn't aware that the ubu directory was removed. A 32 bit ubuntu version should still work though.
The build script will terminate if an error is detected. Install libpython-dev and hopefully the script will continue.

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Pwr57 deb packages for x86 from source code 3 years 11 months ago #10774

  • Maverick
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Hi Claes,
Thank you very much for your last answer. At last, the pwr57 deb package for x86 was successfully built... and it finally begin to work... but while i was opening Ge, there isn't anything in the place of objects such as sliders, values, indicators, analog, process, buttons... and various graphics typically found in Ge.
And one more thing: the generated pwrdemo57 deb package from source is lacking of both 'bld' and 'src' directories, which normally make the bulk of its content.
I tried to incorpore 'bld' and 'src' from pwrdemo56 x86 into it, but it didn't work. First on the install process, it displays:

Setting base /usr/pwr57
No protocol specified
wb_cmd: cannot connect to X server :0.0
dpkg: error in processing package pwrdemo57 (--install):
installed pwrdemo57 package post-installation script subprocess returned error
exit status 1

When opening the pwrdemo project in Proview, there are some errors, somehow a "version mismatch" (it must have found that the 'bld' and 'src' directories were from the 56 version)
And of course, the Runtime monitor doesn't work for the demo.

So the question is: where could i find the missing 'bld' and 'src' directories an their content to successfully complete the pwrdemo57 debian package?

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