Hello Proview team,
I just wanted to give a try to pwr613 on my rpi4 and got into some already encountered issues but can t remember what s wrong.
I m using the dev station 613 on ubuntu 22.04 x64 and I want to cross compile for rpi x64
I've created a new project with a single volume inside to host my pi program.
This volume attribute - Operating system has been set to Custom Build
The NodeConfig for the pi also is set to Custom Build and a CustomBuild object has been added in the NodeConfig hierarchy.
I have installed the cross compiler recommended by rpi (aarch64-rpi3-linux-gnu-gcc) and have configured the path for cc/cpp/ar accordingly
the custom build platform is set to arm64_linux ; the release name is v6.1 ; operating system is Linux on ARM64
When I try to build the program in force, I got the following:
/usr/local/pwrp/simbl/bld/x86_64_linux/exe/custom_build.sh: line 34: /usr/pwr61/os_linux/hw_arm64/exp/exe/wb_gcg.sh: No such file or directory
%GSX-F-CCERROR, Error from c compiler or linker
-- Plc window generated PROG-O24-W
Not a base directory: /usr/pwr61
/usr/local/pwrp/simbl/bld/x86_64_linux/exe/custom_build.sh: line 34: /usr/pwr61/os_linux/hw_arm64/exp/exe/wb_gcg.sh: No such file or directory
of course I don t have any /usr/pwr61/os_linux/hw_arm64 directory because only hw_x86_64 directory is available on my dev station.
Which settings is wrong or what is missing to make it point to the right directory but asking to compile for amr64 ?
Thanks for you help